2025 熱力學暨程序系統工程研討會
2025 Symposium on Thermodynamics and Process Systems Engineering
大會公告 Conference Notice
2025 熱力學暨程序系統工程研討會
Agenda Announcement
Agenda Announcement
「2025 熱力學暨程序系統工程研討會」初步議程表已公布,請上活動網站查詢下載。
The preliminary schedule for the "2025 Thermodynamics and Process Systems Engineering Symposium" has been announced. Please visit the event website to check and download it.
如有需要調整或修正的地方,歡迎隨時和工作同仁 邱曉慧 (fanniechiu2019@gmail.com) 聯繫
If there are any adjustments or corrections needed, please feel free to contact our colleague, Ms. Fannie Chiu, at fanniechiu2019@gmail.com.
2025 熱力學暨程序系統工程研討會
Electronic receipt sending
Electronic receipt sending
「2025 熱力學暨程序系統工程研討會」電子收據已用E-mail寄出,敬請各位參與者注意收件,未接獲信件者請盡快與主辦單位聯繫。
The electronic receipt has been sent by email. Participants are kindly requested to pay attention to the receipt. If you have not received the email, please contact the organizer as soon as possible.
2025 熱力學暨程序系統工程研討會
Abstract Submission Status & Extension of Call for Papers
Abstract Submission Status & Extension of Call for Papers
「2025熱力學暨程序系統工程研討會」第一階段摘要投稿時間至 2024/12/06 為止,目前收到超過 100 篇摘要。論文接受名單將於 2024/12/20 公告,這段期間仍歡迎尚未投稿摘要的老師、同學們上傳參加。
The deadline for the first stage of abstract submission for the conference is December 06, 2024, and a total of 100 abstracts have been received. The list of accepted papers will be announced on December 20, 2024. During this period, teachers and students who have not yet submitted abstracts are still welcome to upload them to participate.
提醒 Reminder:
註冊繳費截止日期為 2025/01/24,請各位與會人員記得在期限內繳費,並上傳匯款資訊完成報名程序。
The deadline for registration and payment is January 24, 2025. Participants are reminded to make payment within the deadline and upload the remittance information to complete the registration process.
2025 熱力學暨程序系統工程研討會
Invitation to Industry Professionals
Invitation to Industry Professionals
In addition to inviting outstanding teachers and students from academia to present their research results, this symposium also welcomes professionals from various industries to participate. Regarding the benefits we expect to achieve from the participation of industry experts in this event, they include:
▌物色所需人才 Scout for talent
▌領域產學合作 Industry-academia collaboration
▌提升企業形象 Enhancement of corporate image
▌促進產學交流 Promote industry-university exchanges
所有會議資訊及摘要將彙整成一冊「電子會刊」,供與會人員瀏覽、下載。為促進產學關係,我們提供本次參加的各家企業刊登 1頁A4大小的廣宣頁面於電子會刊中,用以刊登: 企業介紹與推廣、建立企業形象、或是提供企業諮詢服務......等相關資訊,以便吸引更多人才對各企業的了解與認知。
All conference information and abstracts will be compiled into an electronic conference proceedings, which will be available for attendees to browse and download. In order to promote industry-academia relations, we offer each participating company the opportunity to post a one-page A4-sized promotional page, which can be used to publish information related to the company introduction and promotion, establishment of corporate image, or provision of corporate consulting services, etc., in order to attract more talents to understand and recognize the companies.
Participants can choose to provide research abstracts, reports or not. As long as the payment process is completed, attendees can directly participate on the day of the conference. We sincerely invite your enthusiastic participation. Thank you!
2025 熱力學暨程序系統工程研討會
2025 Symposium on
Thermodynamics and Process Systems Engineering
2025 Symposium on
Thermodynamics and Process Systems Engineering
會議目的與主題 Purpose
This annual conference invites researchers and industry professionals in the fields of thermodynamics, phase equilibrium, and process systems engineering to present research and development results as well as exchange research experiences in order to facilitate the theoretical development and practical application of thermodynamics and process systems engineering.
會議進行方式 Conference Format
In addition to inviting researchers and professionals to provide keynote speeches, submissions will be peer-reviewed and delivered orally. This conference concentrates on the development of thermodynamics and process system engineering education.
會議時間與地點 Conference Time and Location
2025年4月25~26日(五~六) April 25-26, 2025. (Friday and Saturday)
Sun Moon Lake Teachers' Hostel (No. 136, Zhongxing Road, Shuishe Village, Yuchi Township, Nantou County)
投稿須知 Submission Requirements
English and Chinese are both accepted. Please prepare an one-page abstract in the attached format and the Power of Attorney for Presentation Materials and upload it to the Registration System by December 06, 2024. Accepted manuscripts will be considered to agree, unless otherwise stated, that the organizer would produce an abstract collection for download. 【Abstract Template】【Power of Attorney】
備註 Note: 中/英文版擇一上傳即可 Submit either Chinese or English version to this system
重要時程 Important Schedule
2024/12/06 摘要上傳截止日 Deadline for abstract submission
2024/12/20 公告論文接受名單 Announce the paper acceptance notice
2025/01/24 註冊繳費截止 Deadline for registration and payment
2025/04/25-26 出席2025熱力學暨程序系統工程研討會 Attend the Conference
指導單位 Director:工程科技推展中心 Engineering & Technology Promotion Center
主辦單位 Organizer:臺灣大學化學工程學系 Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University
協辦單位 Co-organizer:臺灣電化學學會 The Electrochemical Society of Taiwan
大會主席 Chair:臺灣大學化學工程學系 陳誠亮教授 Prof. Cheng-Liang Chen CCL@ntu.edu.tw
大會主席 Chair:臺灣大學化學工程學系 林祥泰教授 Prof. Shiang-Tai Lin stlin@ntu.edu.tw
聯絡人 Assistant:邱曉慧 Ms. Fannie Chiu fanniechiu2019@gmail.com (02-2369-1064)